Friday, April 9

My Newest Love

For Easter, the man who knows my heart best bought me a knife.

Yes, he really did. A knife. The knife of Kings.


The day I got it I sliced a carrot just for kicks and was mildly impressed. That carrot cut like warm butter. I put the knife away carefully, pleased, and didn’t give it a whole lot more thought.

Today, Jon is on his way home, driving to see us. The lights of his life. No accounting for taste, huh??

Anyhoo, just for him, I decided to make chicken and dumplings this evening. He hasn’t had from scratch home cookin’ in awhile, and I thought he’d like a warm meal. It’s good and cold here in Ohio ~ or BAD and cold depending on your perspective. My perspective is BAD. Just in case you were wondering.

So, I got out my new beauty and got started.

Onion first. Then carrots and celery. At the celery, I became MOST impressed. Not a single string left. Any knife that slices through celery without leaving a single strand uncut is a mac daddy knife.

Moving on, I decided, somewhat unnecessarily I confess, to cut up the chicken before I added it. Just because I was feeling kind of, umm, cuttin’ happy. And let me tell you something. I am IN LOVE!! My life is suddenly easier. I fear cutting nothing. Bring on the onions! And the raw bacon. My lazy chopper from Pampered Chef is officially being retired. Thank you honey. I LOVE my Easter gift!

Love you all!!


  1. Be very careful with a good knife.

  2. Love my Henckel knives too - Keep cutting and slicing and enjoy it.
