Wednesday, February 23

Spring Fever

I have arrived. At that place I arrive every year. In late February. That sick of snow state of mind. Enough is enough already. It didn't help this year that I kinda started the winter out still sick of snow. A winter hangover, if you will. Last weekend we had a couple of days that were just gorgeous. It was cruel really. We took full advantage of it though. Jon was, of course, home for the weekend so we went to the zoo. Sam chose not to go with us. I don't think I like him being a teenager. I don't know who this kid is...this kid who doesn't want to go to the zoo. I know it's a phase...he will outgrow it. I just don't know how soon. I mean, really, how many ADULTS do you know who wouldn't want to go to the zoo if Mom and Dad are paying?
In Asia Quest
Jon's coat is unnecessary, you'll just have to trust me on that. I wore a hooded sweatshirt and was perfectly comfortable. The snow was all melted. The sun was out. The birds were singing. And the animals were sunbathing.

Which just makes it worse that Monday afternoon into evening, we received a nice thick coat of ice with a few inches of snow on top of it. And now, all the weatherman are freaking out about another snow headed our way Thursday night. I'm SO DONE WITH SNOW!!!!!
Aside from snow, I apologize for doing the crappiest job ever at keeping up with a blog. Well, the second crappiest job ever, Steve has me beat on that score. I have had so much going on lately, it's really hard to convince myself the blog is a priority. Working and trying to keep up with everything at the house with Jon gone is no party, I will say that. I am still working...I had originally thought to only work 3 or 4 days a week once Jon was in Buffalo. That is not panning out too well. Work has been ridiculously busy and unfortunately, they need me more than that. So, last week and this week I have worked everyday. The house is a little less orderly than I'd like. The yard looks like crap. The closets are poised to attack everytime we open them. If I worked anywhere else, I would give my 2 weeks and be done with it. However, I adore my manager. I can't abandon her...she has a tough enough time when she does have my help. I guess the good news, hidden in there, would be that jobs are picking up. For a very long time, there were no jobs to be had in Mt Vernon. Lately, we have jobs come in every day. The problem is finding people who actually want to work. But, that is a whole nother story.
So, Jon and I have been discussing a trip south. We unfortunately, are not going to make it down for Easter this year. Which we both are bummed about, as that has become our happy bunny tradition. He is not able to get that weekend off though, so we are rearranging and making other plans. I think we have decided to come down for a long weekend sometime in March. We are figuring out pay days and cut offs and how many days he will  miss and as soon as we know, you all will. But, let me tell you, I definitely have Carolina on my Mind.
I will make some concentrated effort to keep up more on here...I'm sorry it's been so hit or miss lately. I love you all.


  1. I was pleasantly surprised to see that you had posted an update. I try not to push, so I am glad to hear you are trying to plan a weekend. The weather here has broken the bad pattern. Let me know as soon as you know when you are coming down! I love and miss you all!

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