Thursday, April 12

Out of Sorts

Things have been a bit wacky around here lately. I have not been able to settle into my normal schedule. It's making my cranky. (Poor Jon. Poor Liam. Poor Maggie. Not Sam so much. He lives entirely in his bedroom these days...hiding works in this case.) Consequently, I am looking forward to tomorrow. I have a normal schedule tomorrow. What's normally on the Friday schedule?, you ask?? Scrubbing toilets. Toilets and tubs and cleaning the kids rooms and emptying all the trash cans. Are you questioning my sanity? It's true, I am looking forward to it. On Fridays, I crank Pandora and dance around the house, scrubbing and dusting and sweeping as I go. I occasionally stop to play a Scrabble word...or let the dog out (or in). I often stop to answer Jon's texts. But mostly, I exist in my own little world.  And my world is clean. Until the kids get home...all told it usually lasts (from finish until they arrive) for about 1 glorious hour. Then, all my hard work is undone. In 3 minutes flat. 
But, that's ok, I think I'll do it anyhow. 
I love you all! 

1 comment:

  1. You're awesome Hon. I thank you for taking care of our house and making it a home. I love you more.
