Tuesday, August 17

Patience Young Padawan

For those of you who are wondering…waiting…twiddling your thumbs in anticipation…

we still haven’t heard anything. The last 4 days (since Jon’s interview Friday) have been the longest of my life!! Well, except for the last 4 days before each of the kids were born. Actually, I think those last pregnant days were longer for poor Jon than they were for me. Come to think of it the last 4 have probably been longer for him too. It’s a sad state of affairs, being married to me.

I’m trying really hard to wait patiently. Not doing a very good job though. What can I say? Patience is not my strong suit. Organization is my strong suit. When in doubt, I’m doing what I do best. I’m getting things organized. In an uncharacteristically optimistic move, I have started packing. Certainly not daily items. I have started packing the clutter that I am not willing to part with. Clearing space. Making the house look bigger before we have to sell it. De-personalizing it. There are no pictures of us left out now. Maude’s crystal is lovingly packed away in a glass moving box. Many knick-knacks have been wrapped and boxed and moved to the basement. The minute he gets an offer, assuming of course that he WILL get an offer, I want to slap a for sale sign on this house. Please pray for us not only that Jon’s offer is for enough money that we can afford to move, but also that we are able to sell the house quickly. Oh shoot, just pray that God blesses this whole crazy adventure we’re on.

I’ll let you know something as soon as I do! Love you all!!

1 comment:

  1. OK, you are not just difficult to be married to, you were difficult to live with. Do you remember the "3 things wrong" rule? Maybe it works the other way too, if 3 things go right....it is meant to be. I love you all, if it is meant to be it will be!
