Saturday, November 14

Introducing...The Oddity Odyssey

Here she is, the newest member of our family.

To be completely honest, she's not everything I'd hoped for.

But, beggars can't be choosers. We got an awesome price on her.

She's bought and paid for.

No, she doesn't have leather seats or a navigation system. No dvd player, no heated seats, most importantly no keyless entry. I know, I'm a spoilt brat. Nevertheless, I'm very happy with her.

She has a huge trunk space, stow away bench seat in the back. She rides and drives like a dream and she's eager to make a trip to North Carolina. Oh yeah, and did I mention she's bought and paid for!?
Love you all!!


  1. I like it! Odyssey is by far the best handling van I have ever driven. And Cheryl, you don't need heated seats!

    Love, Dad

  2. She looks great!!! Don'tcha love the bought & paid for part?!?! I know I do/did when we bought my Expedition!! LOVE IT!! =)

  3. She's a beaut! North Carolina can't wait to see too!

  4. Oooh, RED. Me likey. -t
