Friday, November 20


Sorry, I've been negligent. I've been very busy, but I should not get so busy I don't tell y'all what's up!
The BIG news I have is that the trestle table Jon made for me is done. For now.
We are both pretty unhappy with the finish. We used the self leveling pour on stuff for table tops. Which makes sense right? Well, when we talked to the lady at Lowe's about what would be best to use to finish the top she apparently didn't understand what I meant when I told her that it was "rustic, not level and not supposed to be". The intent and desired look for this table was that it look like it's approximately 200 years old and that there was no such thing as "power tools" when it was made.

Because the top isn't level, the self leveling stuff went on like total crap. Really, you can't tell in these pics but it looks bad and I feel awful about it. Jon didn't want to use this finish for the top. I convinced him this was the way to go. And I was WRONG! It was NOT the way to go. After the holidays we're going to sand it down so it will take a new finish and put a satin polyurathane on it. Still,

even with the uneven's pretty gorgeous. I am in love with the red chesnut color. And of course the style.

Yes, I know the chairs don't look so hot with it. He plans on making benches that match, but that can wait.
Other than the table...we've been getting ready for the holidays. Dad and Anne are coming for Thanksgiving and Mom and James will be up for Christmas so we have LOTS to look forward to!!! Moments to treasure!
I have all but one Christmas tree up. The last one...the big the living room we are going to put up while Dad and Anne are here. I've already made 5 types of Christmas cookies AND we only have a few presents left to buy. The rest is DONE!!! Like I said, we've been busy!
I'll try to do better keeping in touch on here though. Love you all!!!
Oh yeah and GO BUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. The table certainly looks great in the photos! See you all in a week!
    Hope the Bucks do better tomorrow than the Baby Heels did this evening :-(
    Love, Dad

  2. Table looks wonderful, you are fortunate that Jon loves to do this! BTW, I still have the rooster fabric so we can make bench pads with zippers so they can be washed. Love,
