Friday, November 27

Thanksgiving Tidings

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with the Garrett clan yesterday. The turkey was exceptional, as was the company! The one big mar on the day was that I realized when we were 45 minutes into our drive home that I had forgotten my camera at Kay and Rod's house! I wanted to turn around and go back for it ~ but I unfortunately was not in the position of power to make that decision (ie. Jon was driving). So, I am currently without my camera until the cookie bake in two weeks!!!!!!! I'm not really sure how I forgot my camera? I mean, sheesh, I remembered my dishes. I remembered my kids. I even remembered to grab a pie! And somehow I walked off without my baby!!! As we drove through Marysville and Jon just kept driving forward, instead of turning around, I found myself wishing I'd left one of the kids. They are as important to Jon as they are to me...he would've turned around and gone back if we'd left one of them. Now, to be fair, he did offer to drive back after it today ~ but even I can't justify making a 200 mile round trip to go after my camera when I'm going there myself for in two weeks. Turning around half way home, in the dark, and the rain when everyone is tired and stuffed...that I would not have thought twice about if I'D been the one driving! Especially because later today, Dad and Anne will be arriving for the Schley thanksgiving. And I won't have a camera!  Now do you understand? Alas, I've lived through worse. I'm sure I will be fine...but Jon will be ready to kill me by the time it's over. Because we all know me well enough to know that the dropped hints will be heavy.
"Gee, that would have made a great picture, huh? What a beautiful moment to not have a camera...(sigh)".
All that aside, I had a thought to share when I signed on here and believe it or not, it had nothing to do with my camera. I was thinking on the way to Springfield yesterday about Christmas fast approaching ~ and how everyone keeps telling me not to skip Thanksgiving. After much thought I have an answer to this advice...
"Thanksgiving is nothing more than a lead in to the Christmas season ~ that is it's purpose. To be honest I don't believe Thanksgiving is a day. Thanksgiving is a state of mind!! And I furthermore believe that confining it to one day is shameful. I am thankful every day of every year. Thankful for my God and my Savior Jesus. Thankful for my loving husband and my beautiful annoying children. Thankful for all of my family, extended family and friends. Thankful for my home and all the provisions a merciful and graceful God have provided to me. I'm not saving all that up for one day. It wouldn't fit! So, I say...let the celebration of the birth of said Savior begin!!!
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!


  1. Enjoy the time with Dad and Anne!!!! Im sure Dad will take pictures!

  2. I know at least one of your children has a camera, use it for a while. Enjoy your visitors, take them to the Zoo, they will like the lights. Had a great dinner yesterday, too much good food. Love you!
