Saturday, October 11

Lazy October Saturday Morning

Just allow me to say...I LOVE Ohio in October. I will try to remember this fact in March, because I hate Ohio in March. Yes, in March Ohio really stinks. But, October is Ohio in all it's glory. We are not having the most colorful autumn we've ever seen, but we are at peak and it's impressive all the same. The weather this week has been unbelievably gorgeous. Upper 70's during the day...around 50 at night. Not a cloud in the sky. I'm telling you I love it when God just shows off!! The beauty of sugar maples changing with a clear blue sky backdrop is unparalleled. So, while perpetual beauty unfolds outside the Garretts are enjoying a lazy October Saturday morning. After the last few months we can appreciate the fact that we have nothing to do this morning better than we ever have! Liam and Maggie have football and cheer late this afternoon...but we'll worry about that when we get to it!

For all who have been praying with us for Liam, GOOD NEWS!!! The new study method seems to be working very well. He has gotten a 100 on his spelling test 2 weeks in a row!!!!! Interims came out last week and all told he is doing better than I feared. He's not doing great but he's really not doing that badly either. Mostly B's and C's with a D in reading (which is why he's in Title 1 reading group so that's being addressed). Definitely not grades that reflect a need to be held back I don't think. SO, we'll just keep plugging away and hope it all clicks for him soon. In the meantime I'm really proud of him because he is trying. He's arguing less about homework and is being more cooperative all the way around. I guess fear of losing sports is a big motivator for Liam. I think pride is helping now too, he's so pleased with himself about his spelling tests!
Sam's interim was disappointing...he has an F in math. Really frustrating for me in many ways. He's missed 2 days already for illness and 1 for the wedding, and his F is a direct result of papers he missed on those days. He has not turned them in yet. Typical lack of initiative from my eldest son. His math teacher added a note that said "Sam has the potential to be a great math student, needs to decide that he wants to be." I have known this to be true for years! I despair that he will ever decide to be!! He also has a D in Science...therefore he is grounded from all game systems until he has at least an 85 in both Math and Science. I'm trying not to be a harda*@ about it, but his two worst grades are in his two stongest subjects and that is just ridiculous. He's got 2 A's a B and a C otherwise. He managed to get the whole range of grades in there :(!
So, on this lazy October Saturday morning he is watching tv...

Normally, as I'm sure you all know, he would be in his bedroom playing something on the Wii.

Maggie has been running around all morning making various messes, and practicing her cheers for this evening. She has gotten all 100's on her spelling tests so far this year and is VERY proud of herself. She is continually disgruntled with me the last 2 weeks because I keep making such a fuss over Liam's 100's. She gets really indignant every time I mention it and says "What about MY 100's!?" She is kicking behind in the 1st grade. Meeting all expectations and exceeding a few as well. She is going to be my reader. I've really got to get her to a place where she enjoys reading in her herself. If it were up to her we would do nothing but listen to her read all evening every evening!

Jon and Marley enjoying our lazy October Saturday morning...watching This Old House and the Buckeye Bios on NBC-4. We're kind of irritated that no matter what time Ohio State plays this year, Liam plays at the same time! The one time all year Liam's team plays at 4pm, OSU starts at 3:30pm...figures. We're going to miss another one. We'll be with them in spirit...
Oh well, I'm going to sign off for now, because even on a lazy Saturday...THE LAUNDRY MUST BE DONE!!!!! I hope you all enjoy your weekend. May your Saturday's be lazy and the political ads be few! Love to you all!


  1. I love fall in OH too!!  You already know that ;)  GREAT job Liam~keep working hard!Kick it into high gear Sam...Love are the only Garrett child who will come live with me :)WONDERFUL job Miss Mags!  Love the pjs Jon...H.O.T!!! look happy to be home...Cheyrl, where are the pics of you?????

  2. To Liam, I am so very proud of your hard work at school! Look for something in the mail!

    To Maggie, I am so pleased that you will always get good grades in school, continue demanding the recognition you deserve.

    To my darling lazy boy, Sam, I understand how easy it is to get by, my advice to you is never be satified with getting by, after all, I will need you to take care of me when I am 80! and we will need a lot of money to travel.

    Love to you all, GD
