Thursday, October 23

Sam is wearing contacts!!

Well, our big news this week is that Sam is wearing contact lenses now!! He got them on Tuesday. We were at the eye dr. for almost 2 hours. He had a lot of trouble learning to get them in and out. Yesterday, after 15 minutes of poking himself in the eye and many tears, I was a bad mommy and took pity on him and I put them in for him. This morning was much harder...I told him I could NOT keep putting them in for him and if he wanted to wear them to school he HAD to get them in himself.
He managed to get them in in less than 15 minutes today!! YEAH! I know he doesn't look any different really, maybe just a little less squinting. But, hey, he can SEE! Which means in the end, he won and wore us down. It's only been 10 months since his last eye appt and new glasses. But, for months he's flatly refused to wear his glasses. At first, I fought him. I didn't have the heart to when he started middle school though. If they bothered him SO much that he'd rather be blind than wear them, then I guess he wins.
I'm also including a pic of Blake at his birthday party Saturday for all of you in NC. Love you all!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sam has always been a very determined boy. If he would just apply that same attitude to his school work there would be no stopping him.
