Friday, November 28

Thanksgiving '08

Well, it's official...Thanksgiving is over and it's CHRISTMASTIME!!!!!! We went to Kay and Rod's house for the Garrett family Christmas. We missed having Jim and Julie there with Trey and Lane, but enjoyed seeing everyone else!! I took this pic of all the grandkids (that were there) with Grandy & Pa. ...and this pic of Mason, Sam. Liam and Maggie with Grandy & Pa.
We ate too much and let the kids run wild. Maggie harassed poor Leah to death. Leah was a good sport and even played Go Fish with Mags.

Maggie and Liam both harassed poor Grandy's dogs to death. Abbie was terrified. Liam kept carrying her all over the house and she just shook like a leaf in the wind. Oddly enough, when he sat down she didn't try to leave him ~ she laid next to him on the couch. So, I guess he made her love him. I talked to Mom and Dad early in the day as well as Bobby. I tried Steve later, assuming I'd have better luck when he was done at work, but couldn't reach him.

After Kays' house we headed home and due to the fact that Liam was sick Wednesday night we were super tired and went to bed pretty early.
Today, we ventured out to Wal-Mart and Radio Shack. I have Sam and Mason completely done ( to hit their original $ limit). Maggie only has about $15 left and Liam has $40. Everything else is done though, except for Jon!! I have to say we got a pretty decent deal on Sam's gift today, the rest of the stuff I got was not even slightly impressively cheap. Actually, I'm pretty sure Sam's item was the ONLY thing we got that was on sale today. So much for GREAT prices today!! I've started thinking now about what else I want to get the kids...because I'm certain now that I'll be done with all my shopping early enough to have money left over for them.
As for Liam and Maggie's conferences... they are both doing well at school. Liam's teacher said he's keeping up fine. Not only is she not thinking he should be in the first grade, she doesn't believe he will need to be retained in the second either. She said he's a solid B/C student, who's terribly pleasant to have in class. Yup, there he is again, that Liam I don't ever get to meet. He's very well behaved and has wonderful manners! And he's not even the one that has his teacher most deceived!!!!! Good Heavens, Maggie has Mrs Howenstine completely blinded. Mrs. Howenstine thinks Maggie is the P-E-R-F-E-C-T little girl. She's a "ray of sunshine in class" and she just cannot imagine what it must be like to "live with her all the time". Wweeellllll, NO I don't imagine she can. I'm guessing it's nothing like she thinks it would be!! Maggie NEVER whines in class. She's never bossy or rude or demanding. She's very smart, excellent at reading and math and well, just everything! Mrs. Howenstine said there's really not anything Maggie can improve on much, she'll just have to try to do everything even more perfect than she already does. Ok, wipe the vomit from the corners of your mouth, I'm done now. That was it.
I miss you all and hope you had a WONDERFUL thanksgiving and ...
Merry Christmas!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. It's always nice to be around family....well, most of the time!! LOL Anyway, I'm hoping to post an update soon....taking a supper break from cleaning & getting the house "Christmas Tree ready." Have a great weekend!!
