Saturday, November 1

Trick or Treat...

Guess what I did?? I made yummy crumbly apple pies on Thursday. It was my first ever effort to make a fruit pie and if I may say so myself they turned out pretty good! They tasted good, but I gotta say they did not taste as good as they smelled. What is it about apple pie in the oven? I don't believe it's throwback "comfort" food. Let's face it Mom, I was NOT raised on apple pie in the oven. LOL! Anyway, it was an accomplishment for me!!
Friday night Mom and James came into town and we went over to Bobby's house to let the kids trick or treat. They got a RIDICULOUS amount of candy. Seriously, I do not know what to do with it all...I'm here to tell you I will NOT let them eat that much candy. Do you think food pantry's want candy?? Sam didn't go trick or treat. He's in that really awkward phase where he isn't clinging to childhood he thinks he's too old. He already said though that there were a lot of kids older than him out and next year he's going. So...I guess this was a learning year for him.I did make him pose with the kids before they left though.
Then we sent the guys off with the kids and I spent some time getting to know Crissi (sp?). Mom and James arrived shortly after the kids left. So Mom and Crissi and I ate chips and this fantastic mexican corn dip.

When our ghouls and vader's returned we had chili and candy. Fun was had by all.

Today, Jon and Sam are helping cut wood for Helen and Kenneth and Sarah for the winter. This year will be Sam's 1st year helping. Then tonight we have a costume party to go to. I think the kids are looking forward to it and I'll try to post pics of that event as well. Love you all!!!

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