Tuesday, February 10

My Little Visitor

So, the last few nights I've had a little visitor. The first night I was surprised (to say the least) to see a possum staring at me on the other side of the sliding glass door. We have several "barn cats" that hang out around our house and I throw scrap food out for them. Apparently, my little visitor knows this. She's come every night for the last three nights. The cats don't usually leave much food (if any!) so the first night while she was in the flower pot I threw a piece of pizza through a crack in the door behind her. She really like pizza! She really didn't like the vegetable soup I set out for her the next night. I know! I know! James ~ you don't need to tell me...I should NOT feed her or encourage her in any way. I just can't help myself!!! She's hungry and she's cute and it's not like I'm trying to pet her or anything! I seriously thought about it though, I have to confess. I wanted to see if she'd let me pet her REAL BAD, but I restrained myself and just laid on the floor and watched her eat every bit of that pizza. It takes a possum like 30 minutes to eat one little piece of pizza and she was a fastidious eater. She stopped every few bites and cleaned her paws and face...she's a little clean freak just like me!!

So for now, I'll keep feeding her. She'll probably get hit by a car soon anyway.
I'm still sticking with my work out. No worries Dad! I have not missed a single work out since I started! I'm up to 700 crunches daily plus the 30 minutes of walking, then I alternate days to lift weights, do pilates and the monster elliptical. I did only do 40 minutes of cardio last week when I had my cold...one day I just didn't feel up to it...the cold was in my head and my chest, so all I did was walk. I will say I managed to kick my yearly February cold in 3 days this year ~ I credit the working out with that! Usually I have it for a month and end up with a sinus infection! I feel great! I've even actually started enjoying it! If nothing else I feel a sense of accomplishment that I'm still doing it. God willing ~ I'll keep going (and I'm pretty sure He's willing, half the time He's what gets me down there!).
Everyone here is doing well. Jon's birthday is tomorrow. He has the day off. I received a honey baked ham gc from work for christmas and we're going to use it to get a ham for supper tomorrow ~ Ham is Jon's favorite. I think we may go out to lunch too while the kids are at school. Right now, I need to go get my mixer out and make his cake!! I love you all!


  1. You know, for an over grown rat, she's kinda cute!! Brian would KILL me if I fed an animal here, other than our pets. I'll be curious to see though, if she finds a mate and has some babies. It is getting to what I refer to as the "twitter-pated" season. ;o) Good job on the work outs. You're looking fabulous!!

  2. Okay for real...your visitor is giving me the creeps!!! It is sooo not cute!
