Saturday, February 28

Tasty Little Tidbits

As usual this time of year we don't have a whole lot going on. I do however have a few things to share. A little potpourri if you will:
Sam came home from school on Tuesday and informed us that they were having some sort of Farmer Appreciation week at commemoration of the event Tuesday was "Drive your tractor to school day". No, I am NOT kidding!! lol Seriously, this is exactly the sort of thing that I love about living out here. I mean that is just pure entertainment. He said their were big ones and little ones, red ones and green ones...It was like a Dr. Seuss book in the high school parking lot!! I wish I had seen it...I would totally have posted a picture! All I could think about was the chant we used to use to mock West Lincoln with...yeah! I think you remember the one I'm talking about - WE DRIVE TRACTORS YES WE DO, WE DRIVE TRACTORS HOW 'BOUT YOU!! Man, I love it here.
Jon was home a couple days this week with a real nasty cold. NOW, Maggie, Liam AND Sam all have it...lovely, huh?!? As long as I can send them back to school Monday I'm hopefully they'll recover this weekend!
For those of you who care or wonder...I still have not missed a single workout...I'm giving all the glory to God for that. It's going way too well for me to take the credit myself!!
Poor Sam got his first zit (that word just for you mom) early this week. I found that amusing enough without the fact that I found out Thursday that he had convinced Maggie and Liam it was a spider bite...right in the middle of his chin. I said something to Sam about the pimple and Liam said, "MOM, it's a spider bite, it bit him on the chin!" Of course, I laughed hysterically to which Liam responded " Really, MOM! It bit him!" I told him it was absolutely NOT a spider bite, but he is nonetheless on the lookout for spiders in the house all the time lately. Poor Sam?? Poor Liam!!
So, I hear from several reliable sources that NC will be getting some more snow tonight...I must say...I find that TERRIBLY AMUSING!! If this global warming keeps up Anne's going to have to move to Cuba to stay warm ;)!! I love you guys and miss you...
Only 39 more days!!!!!!!!


  1. check either my facebook page or my blog for pics of the snow

  2. Wow. So, we've gone from mocking West Lincoln to becoming one of them...I love it!

  3. At least Tracy didn't say anything to you about living in a trailer when we first got married. You really have changed since you were in high school and I am very thankful that you have.

    Love ya Hon.
