Friday, March 6


Only 33 more days and we are on our way to NC!! We are SO EXCITED ~ we could use a vacation. I think most of you already know, but just in case you don't, Jon received his 60 day notice from Chase Monday. I'm torn...a tiny little part of me worries about the current economy. A much BIGGER part of me thinks this situation is a God thing. Jon likes his comfort zone, BUT ...has NEVER really been happy at Chase. Banking just isn't his bag, baby. He is recieving a severence package, we have awhile before we have to worry. Maybe, God had to boot him out of Chase to get him to go for something he likes. I pray that is the case. Heaven knows we've been through and seen friends go through worse things than all works out in the end. We know God is in control...good thing too because I can't seem to get a handle on things :)!
The kids are doing well. I told Sam yesterday about Jon's job ~ figured he'd start wondering about our whispering and cryptic little discussions soon. He didn't seem phased at all. He thinks Jon should get the summer off ~ and that if Jon gets a new job while he's still getting severence we should buy name brand pop-tarts. Ah, to be 12 and your biggest concern in life is getting name brand pop tarts. BTW, I just checked his grades and they are still good! 3 A's 2 B's and a very high C!! He's completely turned around ~ which makes me so happy. even so, I have to constantly remind myself to leave him alone. As long as he is getting good grades I let him make his own decisions about school work, which is hard for me! One day this week he had very little and he wanted to save it so he'd have something to do in study hall the next morning. You would not believe how difficult it was for me to let him do that and not nag for him to get his homework done!! I managed though, and he got his homework done in study hall and turned it in on time...ahhh, learning to let go is harder when your a controller!!
Liam and Maggie are still doing well too. I made home made rolls for the first time this week. I was totally unimpressed by them. Just not sweet enough or something...Gonna have to work on that.
The good news is it's supposed to get up to 65 degrees today. They said 63 this morning, but they keep bumping it up. It's gloriously warm outside. 70 tomorrow. It's supposed to rain but I don't care. I'm opening the house up and airing it out. There's not much better than that first springish day when you get to crack open all the windows and breath fresh air again. I may brak into the Hallelueja chorus!! I love you all!!!


  1. I think it will get easier to let Sam manage his own work schedule, just trust him. We are as excited for you to come down. See you soon.

  2. YAY, glad you got to open your windows and enjoy the air! I only get a few weeks to do that before Chip's allergies make me shut the house up again.

    I agree, it's best to look at Jon's layoff as an opportunity for something better - I still say the DOT's gonna be where the money's at.

