Friday, April 24

Baseball, Baseball and MORE Baseball!

Oh what a beautiful morning! The sun has come to Ohio...we are forecasted in the upper 70's and lower 80's for at least 5 days! Which is fortunate because we are headed into a SERIOUS baseball weekend. Sam has a VERY dedicated coach ~ when we're aren't slightly miffed at him for taking up ALL of our time during baseball season, we are VERY grateful to him for giving our kids ALL of his time!! The boys have entered into a big tournament this weekend at the Richwood Lake Park up in North Union High School country. So, in addition to a LONG drive tomorrow morning (early, grr) the boys are playing at 10am and 2pm. After that, if they're in the top 5 they begin a single elimination tournament at 6pm running into Sunday. At the risk of wishing my whole weekend away, everybody please pray they do well. It's going to maybe be a little confusing for them because the tournament is in a different county so the rules will be different as well! They have a scrimmage tonight against a local team that is also going to the tourney so all the boys can try to accustom themselves to the changes. I'lll keep you all posted about how it goes...the team they are scrimmaging tonight is the SAME team that they got beat by last weekend by 1 run. Sam desperately wants to beat that team...several of his classmates are on the team and they've been ragging him for months that they were going to crush our team!
Liam also has a practice tonight. I think many of you knew that I had concerns about his team this year...they are all very young. There is a silver lining though. I found out Tuesday that his assistant coach is the high school baseball coach. So, hopefully, he will have a learning year despite being a ahead of the curve!
Maggie is doing very well. Her head is healing nicely...I shouldn't be surprised if she doesn't even have a scar in a few years...not that you'd be able to see it anyway under all her hair. At this point cleaning it isn't even that bad.
I best get cleaning...I figure I need to get the house clean and ALL laundry done since I'll be gone all weekend! I also need to clean out the cooler and figure out what we're giong to take besides the kitchen sink tomorrow! Love you all!!!!

1 comment:

  1. WOW, Sam is starting to care about winning, that is a huge change in his attitude about baseball. So there is a competitive bone in his body! Glad to hear Mags head is doing well, and hope the coach sees what we see in Liam and it will go far in setting him up for HS sports. LU
