Wednesday, April 29

Mother Nature is such a tease!

Crappy weather again! Last night at the ball fields we froze! By the time we got home my weather station read 48 degrees outside :(. Things here are pretty slow. We don't have much going on aside from baseball! So today's blog will just be fluff...
Let's see...Jon first: His last day at Chase is tomorrow. I think he cannot be done there soon enough. It's kind of bittersweet for him, because he hates his job with a passion...however, he has many friends/co-workers that I think he will genuinely miss. He's been going around this week telling everyone goodbye and getting home around noon. We had planned on just the two of us going to the zoo tomorrow to celebrate his last day, but of COURSE it's supposed to rain AGAIN!! :(( yes, that's a DOUBLE FROWN ~ I'm doubly unhappy with all the stinkin' rain!!
Sam: Sam has discovered his competitive bone. I'm not sure yet if this development is a good thing or a bad thing. On the one hand it's nice to see him give a darn about playing this year. He's been asking Jon to go out with him to play catch almost everyday lately and is doing a much better job trying to apply instruction. He's getting snarky with some of his teammates though and Sunday I think he would have beat one of them in particular up if he'd met him in an alley! The team mate in question missed quite a few EASILY catchable pop flies and Sam was totally disgusted with him. So, I'm going to have to keep my eye on him...taking it seriously is a good thing only so far. At some point you have to remind yourself people ARE more important than winning the game. Yesterday, he practiced a good bit on 1st base...his coach told me Saturday at the tournament that he does want to work Sam in there this year. He has a C in math right now, but I'm hopeful that will come up before school let's out - which is coming far too quickly if you ask me! He knows if he wants to play football in the fall he has to bring home what I CONSIDER a good report card.
Liam: Liam is not up to anything but baseball and his practices lately could only be described as tedious. He is on a VERY young coach pitch team and after watching a few prac Jon is afraid we will regress this year. The coaches are good, but the team is TERRIBLE! He does have all B's right now, which I'm very proud of! Getting through homework with him every night is getting more and more difficult...I think he's ready to be done with school for the summer.
Mags: She got her staples out Tuesday and they said it was healing great! She doesn't complain of it hurting anymore at all. She has a loose tooth in the front and is really excited about it. We're having problems with her school work...she writes AWFUL!! Just sloppy, sloppy, sloppy! Everytime I try to correct her though she gets all sensitive and cries because I think it's messy, it's a nightmare really. She is still cute though!
Me: Still working out, but feeling a bit discouraged about it. Found out cuurtesy of the WiiFit that despite my faithfulness since the beginning of January I've only lost like 4 lbs OVER ALL. No, I'm not eating right, but'd think that working out would have accomplished more than that!! I have to keep reminding myself that I do FEEL better...and that shoudl be enough. I'm peeling all over ~ the last two weekends have taken their toll on my skin!! My nose is raw!!
Well ~ I think that's enough for now...I love you all!!


  1. I'm sure you've traded some fat for muscle - but I'm more concerned with you getting burned out on that routine. The solution??? Turbo Jam!! (Just kiddin'. But it wouldn't hurt to try!)

  2. I prefer Turbo Jelly, but that's just me.

  3. LOL, Bob! I think Turbo Preserves would be bestest. :)
