Friday, April 17

Caution: BUSY Weekend Ahead!

Well ~ we have quite the busy weekend planned. Actually, today my primary goal is to figure out HOW we're going to manage to do it all without disappointing any of the kids! After I work out today I need to head to Mt Vernon to do some shopping. Tonight we have Liam's ball practice in Chesterville 5:30PM and Mag's has practice in Sparta @ 6:30pm. Jon and I will split up for that, it gets hectic but is not the cause of my problem. The problem comes Saturday...Jon is leaving early to go to Springfield to pick Mason up, however they will not be back here until late, because Mason is walking dogs for a couple hours at a local dog shelter first. He has decided he wants to do something along the lines of zoologist/vet when he grows up and has been volunteering walking dogs. At noon, I have to have Sam in Marengo for his first baseball tournament of the season, it's just a round robin, but will probably last most of the day. At 3pm Maggie has a birthday party (for one of her FAVORITE friends) at the Apple Valley Pool...I don't know where that is, but I can't imagine it's close being Apple Valley and all :(. Jon will definitely not be back by then, so?????? Crap! Right now the only thing busier than my body is my mind, I'm sure it will all work out though.
Yesterday, after I did my regular workout I spent 42 minutes on the WiiFit. I took the body test again and got my age down to 42...improving!! I was SORE when I went to bed last night. A little too much hula hooping! Love to you all!!! I'll take pics this weekend and get them posted of Sam's tournament! BTW, Steve, Sam used his new batting gloves at practice last night and told me on the way home that he loves them...and so did everyone else, he's the envy of the entire team ;) ~ thanks again!


  1. Good grief, my head is swirling trying to fathom all you have to do tomorrow!! As far as Apple Valley is's not that far...but it sure seems like it!! It's on the east side of Mt. Vernon. And as far as getting Mags to her party, while Liam is still playing there any way another parent going to the party could take Maggie? Just a thought!! BTW....even though you'll be busier than a one armed paper hanger (something Brian likes to say- LOL), enjoy the sunshine today and tomorrow...and as Kate says...DON'T FORGET THE SUNSCREEN!! ;o)

  2. Great News!! The bp is for Madison Cecil and Lori called me last night and asked if I minded if Maggie just went up with them! Man, God is GOOD!! He handed me the answer! Yea! So, I'll be dropping Mag's off at the Cecil's house before Sam's tournament! Thank you Lord!! With that stresser out of the way I'm really looking forward to Sam's games today!!!!

  3. Had a feeling it was for Maddie as soon as you said Apple Valley. Sarah's been there for Hannah's party before!! So glad it worked out for everyone!! Can't wait to hear about Sam's games!
