Tuesday, February 2

My Silly Boy

Have I ever told you I’m a firm believer in co-sleeping? Well. I was when my kids were babies anyhoo. Sam slept with me until he was almost 3. Maggie was a bit different. She never wanted to sleep with Jon and I. Too much like her mother I guess. She wants her space, spread eagle, every little bit of her space. On my part it was pure laziness. I nursed the kids, all three of them. Yes, my breasts are a sad testimony to this fact. It was just so much easier to have them right there with me when they got hungry. Breast feeding was one of the best things I ever did, or the three best. I firmly believe it births and nurtures an unbreakable bond between mother and child that is exquisitely beautiful in it’s intimacy. I also firmly believe it absolutely destroys your breasts. But, in the end it’s worth the cost. I think. Maybe. Co-sleeping, on the other hand? Well, co-sleeping, not so much.

You see, it ruined my middle child for life. To this day, he does not like to sleep alone. He begs to sleep with Sam, with Maggie, with the dog, ANYBODY. He will happily sleep with anyone aside from himself. He hates to sleep alone. Since Jon has been working in Charlotte, Liam has slept with me every night. Last night, when I went to bed, this is what I found.

IMG_0723Somehow, the boy fell asleep with his flashlight laying on his face. He was pretty out. He didn’t wake when I took the picture. Or when I took the flashlight. Ain’t he sweet? My little snuggle bunny.

Love you all!

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