Monday, February 8

Sam Vs. The World

sam vs world 2Sam shared his world with me this afternoon. And I was struck with how small it really is. After school today he asked if he could play Wii in the living room. I begrudgingly told him he had 30 minutes. And that whatever he played had better entertain me. He did not disappoint! Of course, I also told him he needs to get his arse off my table. That apparently went unheard.

He has renewed his love affair with his Wii since we got wireless internet. And I can certainly see why. I told him 30 minutes about an hour ago and I have yet to put my foot down. I am endlessly entertained. Cheering him on as he faces players from all over the world. Literally all over the world. That is just amazing to me. I grew up watching my brothers play mario. Let me tell you something…it’s a whole new world on the game scene. Most of you probably already KNEW this! But, I live in a bubble.

third place  So, I am somewhat in awe of the genius involved behind the scenes of my son sitting in our living room racing against mimi. Mimi showed on the map somewhere in northern Europe. It didn’t show us where fabian bon was…but my imagination puts them near the Eiffel Tower. Bonjour Fabian, shall we race??

sam vs the worldI mean really. How cool is that? And poor cook, God bless her soul. I don’t know where or who she is, but Sam didn’t like her a bit this afternoon. How funny is it when Sam yells, “COOK ~ I just recently hate her” when she beats him for the second time in a row.

Yes, his 30 minutes is up. I most likely should make him go do his homework. Instead, I think I will cheer him on to victory in this small, small, very small world he lives in!

I love you all! 


  1. Glad Sam is having fun with the Wii and all.....BUT i'm thinking he needs a time out...FOR WHAT??? Great Clips is calling his name :)

  2. I know, right!?!? I had planned on taking him Saturday. But we were snowed in. He's getting it done soon, I promise!! lol
