Friday, December 26

Am I Coming or Going??

Whew...that was a wild ride! No pics today...just words.
We had a wonderful Christmas. After we had a nap that is! Liam was up yesterday at 3am, yup, you read that right. 3am!!! We made him get in bed between us and held him off for another hour. At 4am Sam and Mason were up too! So we threw our hands in the air and started the coffee pot. Silly me, I set it to self-start at if! The boys very rudely woke up our princess and ran to the tree. Maggie stumbled out and I'm pretty sure the only reason she didn't get downright nasty with them was presents!! Steve was amazed that all that exitement was generated by one gift. You see, in our house Santa only brings one gift per child (plus stockings of course). It is usually the best gift...that jerk Santa gets all the glory! Yea, right...seems like even Santa gets trumped most years by Grandma Debby and Pawpaw James but that's a whole nother story. The older boys got several new games in all and various other stuff. Liam had a Bakugan year and Maggie got a new Barbie set and an Easy Bake Oven! Which Liam insisted on helping her with. Geez, I think maybe I should have gotten him an Easy Bake Oven too!!
This year from Santa Sam and Mason both received games they requested and Liam and Maggie both got new MP3 players. They suddenly talk really loud...
I got a new Kitchen Aid Mixer...the mac-daddy actually! It's awesome (thank you Dad)!! Jon got me lots of heartfelt stuff that I really wanted (my yearly Sierra Club Engagement Calendar and the new Hillsong CD) and I also got new sheets ~ 5oo thread count baby, from Mom. But, that was later.
After presents Jon took his nap shift while I straightened up and lounged on the couch. When he got up I took my nap, Maggie slept with me. My princess is the only child I have who recognizes the value of sleep!! After we got up, I used my new mixer to prepare cheesy potatoes. Then we went to Bobby's house.
For supper yesterday we bad smoked brisket, baked beans, cole slaw, cheesy potatoes and rolls...unconventional I know but it was DELICIOUS!! Good job Bobby on that brisket. Later we opened gifts and mom made Sam's day. You see, for his combo Christmas/Birthday gift he asked for a Nano. He REALLY wanted the new iPod Touch, but that was out of his price range. So, after a cruel amount of torture he was allowed to open his gift and it was...drumroll, iPod Touch. He was so very pleased. He had to call Austin immediately. News like that begs to be shared with your best friend!! Austin got one too, so they basked in the glow together on the phone!
This part always's over. I'm not ready for it to be over. I refuse to take down the decorations yet. The sun has actually been out quite a little bit over the past few days, but I know as soon as I take everything down it will go away...not to be seen again for months!! SO, I'm stalling. And to all of you who thought I put things up too early and would be tired of them by now...well. Just shows how much you know, huh! lol.
Today Jon has to take Mason back to his Mom's house. So, he'll be kind of down this afternoon and evening. I'm at work. Not so bad...the kids have been out of school for a week already. I consider work a break of sorts! It's time to start getting ready for Sam's birthday. Mom and James will be in town for a week. I think in a few days she will accompany me to bargain hunt for some clothes for Sam. Yes, he's at the age where he actually WANTS clothes as a gift...provided they are the RIGHT clothes. Well, that's enough of my vapid nothingness for now...
Suffice to say...Christmas was awesome for us, we're not letting it go yet!

1 comment:

  1. Just remember to go to the very back in Hollister and Abercrombie (and all other stores) where the clearance stuff is. It is the ONLY way to shop at those stores. Its all I ever bought.

    As for Christmas being over, it is so sad for me too. For some reason, this year, it seems as if it was forever ago that Christmas was here. Usually the time between Christmas and New Years (only one week) was always a joyous Christmas feeling time....not this year. It feels like its all OVER and Im just hanging on....why is that? My decorations arent coming down till after the 1st....daggumit.
