Wednesday, December 10

15 Days and Counting...

Ok, Ok... I did it. Thank You Liam! He nagged and pushed and prodded last night until I gave in and went downstairs to walk on the treadmill. I was initially a bit irate with him, but afterwards hugged him and said thank you for taking good care of Mommy! I had that yucky whole oat oatmeal for breakfast...I will henceforth refer to said "oatmeal" as gruel. And, for lunch, a nice healthy salad! Don't be too proud, it's all because I have every intention of eating greasy pepperoni pizza for supper. BUT, I promise I will walk tonight as well! :)

Today I have the pleasure of babysitting Cash. We are currently having some down time! He ate chips and christmas cookies 'til his eyes fell closed. I guess I probably should feed him some real food after he wakes up!! It's so fun spoiling them when they're not yours though!!! He's been real good so far, he even helped me with putting the laundry in the dryer. And he's only made a couple messes. He's even left the nativity alone. I only had to tell him no boy!!
I got one of the two remaining gifts more to go and I even know what I'm gettin. I just have to go back to Mt Vernon. Only 15 days to go!!!!!!!!!! I love you and miss you all!!


  1. Your salad looks so good!! Much better than the donut I had for lunch!! I know...I'm hanging my head in shame, but was a good donut. Anyway...I am hoping to post an update sometime today. I know you all must be going crazy because I haven't posted in over a week. Just kidding!! Have fun with Cash!! He is just too darn cute!!

  2. Wow your salad did look good! But your cheese soup was WONDERFUL!! Thank you again for that special treat!! And Thank you for keeping Cash...even though he was bad, bad, bad when he came home from being spoiled rotten at auntie Cheryl's house! Just kidding well he really was bad...LOL!!! But I love that he loves to visit you and I am even ok that he waves bye and does not even shed the first tear...only cause it is you though!!! Thanks again!!!

  3. Hon, I am proud of you for eating a healthy breakfast and lunch and for going downstairs when you really didn't want to. That was your pizza for the next two weeks also. Now, you need to go downstairs today. I won't be there to bug you about going but you need to for yourself and the kids. We love you and want you around for quite a while.

    Love you!

  4. The love shown by your family and friends should be the motivation you need to get healthy!!!!! How fortunate you are to have a son that wants you to be around and is willing to face your bad temper all because he loves you. Remember 30 pounds by Steves wedding...........

    Love you and see you soon!

