Friday, December 19

Do You Remember????

1.The hard candy Maude ALWAYS had at Christmastime?
2.That pillow she kept for Bobby to suck on?
3.The year I had to take my new record player with me to Grandma and Grandpa's house?
4.Helping Grandma decorate the tree? She'd just sit on the couch and we'd clamor around her to get decorations...
5.How excited we used to get when Linda and Dave were coming for Christmas?
6.Watching Meet Me in St. Louis on Christmas Eve at Maude's house?
7.Waiting FOREVER for Mom to get there?
8.That stupid hat Dad used...yes, you remember...if it falls to the right you can open a present. Nah, I was just kidding!!
9. The year Steve was SO SICK, he even has a red nose in the pictures! He got a stuffed R2-D2.
10. Tracy coming home with us on Thanksgiving to help us decorate our Christmas tree.
11. The year I got a Cabbage Patch Kid, Wow, Santa rocked the house that year!!!
Thanks Mom and Dad, Christmas will ALWAYS BE A SPECIAL TIME TO ME and it's because it always has been. I love you!! and I miss you terribly!!


  1. OK, I hope you got choked up a little writing that, because I got choked up reading it. Our family has done a great job of instilling in us a special level of Christmas cheer. It is these memories that will carry on to traditions we establish for our kids. I love you and miss you, even more this time of year. I am now inspired to blog....

  2. Oh yeah!! I was totally choked up the whole time! I love and miss you too...

  3. You guys are the greatest!!! You never know at the time what memories you are instilling in your children. I remember as if it was yesterday, I am blessed with 3 wonderful children and who gave me the greatest gift of grandchildren. Here's to making some great memories for them.....

  4. I asked for this right?! Yes I told you to blog...And your the one who said stop reading those sappy blogs?! Right? Well my goodness this tops sappy! I am now sitting here remembering all the wonderful memories I have from my Christmas' So, Thank You for reminding me, even if the sun is still not out and I am sitting here in tears...Oh your so getting a phone call! Love Ya...your still getting a phone call...HAHA!!!
