Monday, December 8

Busy Weekend...

Well, ok, maybe just a busy Saturday. The only "events" I had to attend this year were the annual Garrett cookie bake and my work Christmas party. Doesn't it just figure that they would be scheduled on the same day. It made for a stressful, but fun 24 hours! Friday night I stayed up until Midnight getting all my cookies ready. Usually I make them there, but between drive time and me leaving early I thought we'd be better off if I got there with mine already done. Which worked out very well. The Garrett cookie bake is girls only. Maggie was very excited and was a big help this year. We helped with cookies until 2:30pm...then we had to run. Or drive, home from Springfield. Of course it snowed, the roads weren't terrible, but I didn't really ENJOY the drive home either. Then we got ready, took the kids and dropped them off with my Aunt Barb and Uncle Jeff (Cindy & Wayne were there as well) and went to my work party in Lewis Center. Which was too funny. The food was very good and Santa even showed up!! We didn't stay late, I was tired!! Sunday, we went to church and then I vegged on the couch for the whole rest of the day! This morning I went in to the school to read with some of the kids in Maggie's class. After that I went to Wal-Mart and I am pleased to report that I only need to buy 2 more gifts and I will be DONE. Which does not mean I'll stop just means I'll be done with what I need to buy. From here on out it's what I WANT to buy!! Last night George C Scott's A Christmas Carol was on AMC. That is my FAVORITE version. I watched most of it before I pooped out. Tonight we're popping popcorn and watching Charlie Brown's christmas show. I love you all and you're all on my mind. My loved ones are never far from my thoughts this time of year. I miss you all!!!


  1. Is it so awesome that your almost done!! (shopping) It sure is a good feeling to be able to enjoy the things that really matter!
    So enjoy that Charlie Brown...he is too cute isn't he...and I am not just saying that because my son's nick name is Charlie Brown...HA HA! Oh and save a cookie for me! Love ya girl!

  2. First of all, I am feeling MUCH better today. I actually have energy, I can keep food down and Im not running to the toilet. I did bust a blood vessel in my eye from puking my guts out, so that is gross, but its ok.

    You know you are in my heart and thoughts as well. I love you!
