Friday, December 19

What's Up?

No pics today. I'm actually bored to tears at work right now. Let's see how are we and what are we up to?... I'm doing very well despite the dreary weather. Actually, for about 15 collective minutes the sun peeked through the clouds today and it was GLORIOUS!! I miss the sun...really...a LOT!! I told Jon the other day that I don't want to take down the christmas tree and lights, assorted villages, etc. until the sun comes back to stay. Somehow the christmas lights make the dreary bearable. I'm ok with it, because you can see the christmas lights better when it's dark. BUT, when Christmas is over LOOK OUT. I'm going to get real crabby real quick!!!!
Sam is doing better in school...holding my breath... he has an A, a couple B's and the rest are C's. He's hangin in there, which is getting kind of hard for all of us. The child has at least 2 1/2 hours of homework EVERY NIGHT and I guess now I understand why he was shirking some of it. No I'm not condoning it, I just understand. Homework has been all he has time for lately. We are all HAPPY to have winter break come.
Liam is doing well too. He has an A in science, 2 B's and a C in reading. He is working very hard to keep his grades up and I do believe he is as proud of himself as I am of him. He just radiates every time I praise him for his grades lately.
Maggie of course in doing very well in school too. She was the first child in her class to quit bringing home book 'n bags this year. One less thing she has to do every week, not that she minded. But, she reads constantly on her own, whe really didn't need an assignment for it. She was devastated twice this week. She had a Christmas Concert scheduled for Tuesday night, which was postponed until Thursday night due to bad roads. Mind you, we did not know it was postponed until she was already dressed with her hair done and very EXCITED. Then, to add insult to injury they cancelled the concert last night due to , yup you guessed it, bad roads!! She was DEVASTATED!!!!
Today was to be the kids last day before Christmas...unfortunately, the roads really were bad and school was cancelled too! Fortunately, Katie was able to keep them for me while I worked today...Thanks Katie!!!
Jon is doing well too. We have Christmas with the Garrett clan on Sunday, so I'll be sure to post pics of that. I love and miss you all more at Christmastime than ever. I've been thinking about Maude & Poppy and Grandma and even Grandpa a lot lately. It's just something about's nostalgic if nothing else...

1 comment:

  1. And here I was, thinking the other devastation moment was when she learned Carolina and I wouldn't be able to come up.....oh well.
