Friday, June 26

Guess What I Have???

Ok ~ I better tell you because you would NEVER guess!! I have a free evening!! NO ball games, no plans, just a blessedly peaceful night at home with Jon and the kids!! I cannot remember the last time this happened...but in typical contrary Cheryl fashion...I'm bored. I figure at least I can get current on the blog though!
Last things first...This is a picture of a picture of my VBS class this year. One day I only had 21 kids...every other day it was 23 or 25 far the largest class! They were so sweet and ornery! It was a great week. Jon was able to help this year, possibly the only time he ever will. It was fun to have him there, the kids loved having mom AND dad with them! Every year I get a little less stressed out about teaching a class. The first couple of years I did it I was so far out of my comfort zone I felt sick. I've pretty well gotten used to it and I've learned that the BEST prep for teaching VBS is PRAYING!! God ALWAYS gives me the words. Which is only truly impressive if you've ever been in a room with twenty-five 7&8 year olds!! They ask questions that could stump ANYONE except God!! We've been so busy I haven't been keeping up...sometime last week Liam made his dinner pick ~ homemade pizza. He did an awesome job! I was surprised at how well he did! Very insistent on doing everything all by himself! He put all the ingredients in for the crust dough...
I did have to spread it for him after it rose, but then he took over and spread the sauce...

And sprinkled on lots of cheese...
The pizzas were delicious and I think all three kids really enjoyed preparing their respective meals. I will definitely have to do that again!
Here's a shot of Mag's last week, warming up with the big girls...
she's the only one wearing red.
Jon took Mason back to his Mom's house this afternoon. We enjoyed having him here and as always Jon is a little bummed that he's gone now...however, it will be nice to get back to "normal". Not that we even really have a normal these days :) !
We don't have another ballgame until Tuesday ~ a short camping trip is currently under discussion. (crossing my fingers)
Countdown to THE OHIO STATE FAIR : approx. 5 weeks!!!!


  1. Wow - you're a good mommy to let them cook!! I'd freak out over their messes and end up taking over, most likely.

    Talk to you soon!

  2. I hover and clean as they work, LOL!

  3. Looks like you had a great class for VBS!! I am still wanting to the whole kids pick dinner & cook thing, but honestly, it's so hard for me to get any one on one time. Each of them is so worried about what the other is going to do without them. *rolling eyes* the update. I know, I know...I need to do mine too!
