For you kids to be inside!! Sound familiar to anyone? MOM! lol Ahhh ~ it's happened, I've turned into my mother. I sound just like her...kicking the kids out of the house (over and over and over). I'm not sure how, but every time I turn around they're back in! Liam, Maggie and I's allergies have been going crazy lately because...
I've refrained from turning on the A/C though, too much in and out ging on for that! I haven't only been kicking them out during the day either!! They've slept in the backyard for the last 4 days! We have been completely unsuccessful in our attempts to go camping, so we gave up and pitched the tent out back. Jon and I did take it down this afternoon...supposed to rain some tonight :(.
Mag's asked to me to send a shout out to Poppy, who she thanks for teaching her to use her licorice as a straw last fall...
- Yesterday, the kittens went missing briefly. All 6 of us spent some considerable time looking for them and they were nowhere to be found! Then, in the evening Deb informed us that Cratchit had put them in the stallions stall in Shads barn. They were all in the food bucket! It's somewhat amazing to me that all 5 of them were alright! They are all back home now though, none the worse for their adventure.
- Last night Danielle and Nick came to Maggie's game in Cardington (which her team won). It was really good to see them, dadgum she's gotten thin! They plan on coming to Sam's game tonight as well, due to it being a Cardington game! Nick is growing like a weed!! The boys got him hooked on baseball in no time flat, Danielle was going to have to go buy him a baseball glove today. LOL
- As a family we cleaned the house today, all part of the "Teach the Kids Initiative". Mason dusted, Sam vacuumed, Maggie washed the windows and Liam cleaned up all the toys in the yard...while Jon mowed and I scrubbed the bathrooms and the kitchen. So, my house is clean and I didn't have to do it ALL by myself! I can't say I needed the help, but it was nice to get done quicker and frankly I was REAL tired of seeing the kids sitting around the house playing their DS's!
- Mom and James will be here this weekend ~ we are all excited to see them!! Drive safe!!!
Now that is a Tent my friend :)) OMGosh I think that is as big as our first house in centerburg!!!