Sunday, September 27

Hermie and The Rescue

I would like to introduce the newest member of our happy family. Hermie. The Hermit Crab. He's a buckeye. Can you tell? Anne and I took Liam and Mags into a gift shop to look for a pail and shovel for sand castles and somehow I got suckered into buying Liam a crab. Anne was no softy. She very firmly said "What? That's not a bucket" or something like that...but I caved. Real fast actually. You see, when I was a kid we always got a hermit crab at the beach. It was like tradition. I couldn't bear the idea that my kids would not have any crabby memories. He should smell real good in the car on the way home. Let's worry about that later.
The house we are staying in is one of the most gorgeous houses I've ever stayed in ~ in competition with the Maggie May. Which is neither here nor there, I have a point I'm getting to here. This house is awesome. It even has an elevator. A very temperamental elevator. A very temperamental elevator that my daughter decided to play on today. Yes, she now realizes that was a really poor decision on her part. She spent a very long 15 minutes stuck in it. She apparently hit the bright red stop button while she was in there. Poppy to the rescue...

He's Maggie's new hero.

He now knows more about elevators than he ever wanted to know. Or at least as much as he wanted to know. He played around with it until he understood it's temperamental tendencies.

You would really think after all that the kids would not play on the elevator. Wouldn't you? Maggie learned her lesson. Unfortunately, the only thing our little incident taught the boys is that they can get stuck on there. No big deal. Poppy will get them out. Game on. (Sigh) Boys.
Love you all


  1. Did the sun come out? We cleared up around noon. So how did she let you know she was in there? Too funny! Love you all, keep me posted on the daily activities, and I got and understand the Maggie May reference. LOve to you all!

  2. BBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! tooo funny!!!! sounds like something she would do!! It could only happen to her.....Sam, would not have cared and Liam...OH he would have just found a way out :)
