Thursday, September 10

Soupy Goodness

Yesterday was one of those days when I had too much on my plate. A day of praise and prayer. A day of really excellent food. I wanted to share just a bit of it with you. Why? Because I was proud of myself doggonit! I had plans all day, or most of it anyway and Sam had a football game at 4:30pm. Sounds like a good day to leave soup in the crock pot, don't it? But, I went one step better. I made homemade bread bowls! Have I ever told you I love my kitchen aid mixer? Passionately. Madly. Deeply. But I digress. Making the bread bowls was ridiculously  easy. I can't believe I've never done it before. I learned a valuable lesson too. Several actually.

The first would be that men, at least my man, are bowled over by a little extra effort. Teehee. Jon was thrilled and amazed and full and I cannot remember the last time he oohed and aahed over a meal I made the way he did last night! The second would be that kids could not care less. Well, to be fair, Maggie and Sam could not care less. After his football game last night Sam would probably have eaten the bowl if it was porcelain. It did help to fill his cavernous stomach though. They were thoroughly unimpressed. And third, I need to keep the bowls small. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Very good, daughter of mine! You can make Kenneth laugh as much as possible, laughter is the best medicine in the world. Love you,
