Saturday, September 5

Let the Games Begin

It is time...
and we are ready! The way all you tarheels feel about basketball? Yeah. THAT is how we Buckeye's feel about football. Let's be totally honest here. We love what our respective teams are good at. Ohio State kinda stinks at basketball. Football? That's a whole 'nother story! Here, we housewives feed our kids corn and put them in Colt football when they're 2 and we hold our breath. For 16 years. Because we hope and pray that our brats will one day be a wide receiver or an offensive lineman for THE Ohio State University. DON'T tell me it won't happen. I already know that. But, a mom can dream right?
Or suppose you're little Buckeye is not football material. Ohio State cheerleaders are nice too.
Then there are the parents like me. The former band geeks. Our aspirations are the highest of them all.
We start dreaming of our child being part of TBDBITL from conception. Maybe our baby will dot the I. Tuba's are great. Right? Right? Currently, I have been cursed with children who only have interest in football and cheerleading. I will not have more children in order to see my dream fulfilled. So, I'm already waiting for my tuba playing grandbaby. I have not totally given up yet. I'm just not sure Maggie will ever be big enough to carry a tuba. Much less play it and bow with it.
We have fulfilled our rituals. Donned our necklaces. Made the queso. So, I say...
Let's do this thing! Beat Navy! Go Bucks!


  1. We like Duke....we're in the minority...we know. But we understand what it means to be crazy for a team. :)

  2. Well, I didn't watch your game - but I'm glad they won!!

    BTW - you're a geek.

    Love you!
