Thursday, September 17

Magpie Speaks

Have I ever told you how smart Maggie is? She's a whip, that girl. And so very contrary. Yesterday, when she came flying off the bus, she was ecstatic. She had received an "Independant Reader" reward certificate at school. To be completely honest with you, I have no earthly idea what that means. But, it must be good because let me tell you she was PROUD! I find that it simplifies my life if I just mirror their pride. It doesn't really matter if I get it. If they are proud, then I am. It's easy. So, I hugged her and told her what an awesome reader she is (she really is, it's what she excels at, remember that please in a moment) and that I was terribly proud of her. Then we went to her room and hung her certificate by her desk, where she can see it when she's doing homework. When the appropriate fuss had been made I dispensed snacks and then sent them to their "study stations" to do homework. After awhile Maggie brought me her 2nd grade subtraction worksheet to be proofed.
She had missed "14-7=" I circled it and gave it back to her and she returned to her bedroom. It wasn't a minute later that she called me back to room.
"Mom, I don't know how to do this one?" pointing to the missed problem.
I huffed and raised my eyebrows, "Really Maggie? It's 14-7, for God's sake!" I was patience walking, let me say. Ok, not really, I try to help the kids with their homework. I struggle to be the soul of patience...but I fail. Utterly and miserably.
Suddenly, the light went on (I thought). She smiled and said, "Oh!" and hiked her foot up on the desk. "I have to use my toes too!"
Nope, not kidding. That's my girl.
Sam has a game this afternoon at home...I'll be sure to post about it later.
I love you all!

1 comment:

  1. LOL-LOL-LOL gawd I love that girl! Not only does she resemble me in looks but she thinks like me as well.
