Tuesday, September 15

Now That's Just Gross

I haven't been feeling especially loquacious so far this week. I love that word ~ loquacious. Using it makes me feel like I'm stretching my brain a little. We don't have a whole lot going on aside from anticipation. Steve's wedding quickly approaches and I have a bit of a dilemma. Carolina's shower/bachelorette party is Saturday. I don't know what to get her. Naturally, for any other bridal shower I'd buy the bride-to-be some sexy, filmy little number ~ most likely red given her coloring...but she's marrying my brother. Getting her something like that is just gross! What do you give a future sister-in-law? The saintly woman who's willing to take Steve on for the rest of her God given life? Earplugs? Her own gaming controller? A snuggie so she can read while he watches sports? A whip? No, they might use that for sex. EEEEWWWW! I just don't know. I've put off a decision for weeks and I'm running out of time here...maybe I'll just get her a pepper grinder?
Love you all!


  1. Listen to your brother, Cheryl!! He'd never steer you in the wrong direction!! LOL Good luck...wish I could help!!

  2. A pepper mill????


    I think you need to get her a HOTT little number in Carolina Blue!!

  3. I didn't have any trouble at all finding cute little things for her. Wait until you see. Love you.
