Wednesday, September 23

Swinfluenza Paranoia

Enough is enough already. If the media are trying to make me a completely paranoid mess, they have succeeded. Everytime you turn on the news someone else has been struck with the swine flu. A case is Lewis Center, 9 in Springfield...I even heard through the grapevine that there are 10 cases in Fredericktown. Everyone who got it was supposedly at the Morrow County Fair on the same day...yeah, Morrow County, home sweet home for me. Ugh! Give my babies a vaccination and shut the front door already!! I'm on a heightened sense of alert and I wonder how long this can last before I go pig crazy? If Maggies belly hurts or Liam sneezes I instantly think " , Swine Flu!?!" At this point, my biggest fear, no lie, is that my kids will get it and I won't know!! I'm a worrier by nature, it's hereditary I think. I worry about everything. Really. You would not believe some of the things I worry about. I watch Dr Oz everyday and find at least 5 more things to gnaw at the edges of my frayed mind. I don't need to be worrying about stuff if its done and over. If my kids get the swine flu I want to KNOW they had Swine Flu! I want to catalog it under "justifiable worry, over and done"! So, I can go back to worrying about forgetting to pack someones toothbrush for our beach trip. Or Sam driving. Yes, I know he's only 12 (and a half), but it's coming. I can feel it. Gnawing. At the edges of my frayed mind. I think "they" need to come up with an at home kit. Like a pregnancy test. Everytime one of the kids has a symptom, I can have them pee on a stick. No, I don't know who "they" are? But they're killing me here. Give me something I can do about the swine flu or drop it. So I can forget about it. Worry about something else. Like I could forget it now. When pigs fly.

1 comment:

  1. hello there!
    i read your comment on pioneer woman and it made me laugh, so i came to your blog and it made me laugh.
    being a worrier is ... something i worry about! i relate. so i had to chuckle! it's annoying to oneself!
    i have this theory about the swine flu (oink, oink) -- get your regular flu shot, take care of yourself, plan on getting it, and -- you will be fine! :)
    thanks for the entertainment.
