Sunday, October 11

Apples & Hayrides & Pumpkins, OH MY!!

Today was a gorgeous October day in Ohio...we made a trip to the apple orchard and did some "Sunday driving" on the way. There's just something kind of cool about coming across Amish buggy's. It doesn't matter that it's a regular occurence on the way to the Mansfield area. It's cool every single time. Cool enough to take a picture anyway.
When we got to the orchard we had to use the overflow parking, aka a back field. It was interesting and we were really glad we took the van ~ the car could not have cleared some of the ruts. We would have been totally stuck. In the middle of an apple orchard. It brings to mind the scene in the Wizard of Oz where the scarecrow taunts the apple trees. Actually, every time I go to the orchard I can hear the scarecrow chanting "we don't want apples with slimy green worms." Ah, the soundtrack of my's an often scary thing.

They had hayrides today, scavenger hunt hayrides! There was a list of stuff we were supposed to be hunting for while we rode. The kids were terribly excited about it.

I, unfortunately, got sidetracked. I was directly behind the tractor.

I started out cheering Liam and Maggie on in there quest...

Then I noticed all the apples stuck in the tractor. And I started wondering.

The two on the left could be his snack for later. But the ones on the right side don't exactly look edible anymore. Maybe they're there so he can throw them at misbehaving children. Maybe misbehaving parents. I was fascinated regardless and soon had to distract Liam from his scavenger hunt to show them to him too. Some of them were wrinkly and Liam thought they were just gross. He didn't seem to be fixated like I was. He went back to his hunt and I took pictures of the apples. Sometimes, I worry about myself.

After the hayride, we bought cider and doughnuts and the kids killed the pastries while we picked apples. We got 1/2 a bushel because I am going to attempt to make apple butter. I know, wonders never cease. Me, Cheryl, making apple butter. We shall see.

Jon's going to hold me to it. He was NOT in favor of buying that many apples. I better do something with them!
We let the kids get pumpkins too, but they aren't going to carve them until next weekend.
I'll keep you posted! Love you all!

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