Thursday, October 8

Making Light of IT

Names have been changed to protect the innocent...
At the reception of Rocky and Adrienne last weekend all eyes were on the happy couple...for but a moment.

In a major peacekeeping effort the Bumpuses were invited and made an appearance.

They were  however asked to leave when Mrs Bumpus had a few too many and told Rocky she was going to break his...nevermind.

These three girls were the only well behaved people in the whole place.

Their counterparts were planning to take over the world...mwa.a.a

Rocky and Adrienne got the dancing started.

They were quickly joined by the Calendar Girls...literally...long story.

Fred was cutting a rug.

While the girls got a little naughty.

Then, the boys got a little which point I decided this party was way out of hand and I should be home in bed. So I left. It could only have gotten worse from there.

But hey ~ it was a good time!

1 comment:

  1. Finally! I was wondering what happened after us Bumpuses left!!
