Tuesday, January 27

Happy Birthday Steve!

Slow day in the Garrett household today. I got my work out done early today...
30Minutes~Upper Body Strength Training
I figure upper body is enough...surely the elliptical and treadmill are taking care of the legs...wouldn't you think?
Well, once again the weathermen are FREAKING OUT about this storm. I hope they're right. It's always a let down when they make a fuss and we get a whimpy storm. If they're going to make a fuss I want a BIG DEAL! LOTS of snow! SO, my fingers are crossed. It's bath night...Maggie and Liam(seperately)take their bath's every other night so Liam is in the shower right now (God help our bathroom floor). Sam always showers in the morning ~ that shower is the only thing standing between him and a neverending sleep. I don't think he could wake up in the morning without it. We are settling down for the night...we love you all!
PS Steve I've tried repeatedly to reach you today unsuccessfully...so

1 comment:

  1. You're right - the walking and elliptical will certainly be enough from an aesthetic standpoint - but remember that muscle burns fat, and your legs have the largest muscle of any part of your body. So...do some squats!! I did lower body yesterday and I want to share my pain with you!
