Sunday, January 18

Would you believe??

I know this will be a's snowing again. Yup...not quite so enthusiastic about it today because we have NO sun. I'll live though. I'm kinda crabby today. First day of flux, if you know what I mean (wink, wink, nudge, nudge). We went to church this morning and returned Quaid to his parents there, then brought Austin home with us. Sam wanted to play his new Mario Kart game with him (thanks Poppy and Grannie Annie)! They also suited up and played outside for a bit. After church I tried my hand (or rather my mixer) at whole wheat bread. The verdict is still out. Jon and I tried a piece and believe it's pretty good...we'll see what Katie and Johnny think. We are heading over there this evening for cheese soup and good company (and I'm hoping a kick butt game of Scattergories - of course it will be my butt getting kicked, as Johnny is ridiculously good at that game). The bread turned out very dense, reminded me of the pumpernickel bread at Lone Star Steak House. Moist and sweet though...I will definitely make it again sometime, I'll let you know later what everyone else thought of it.
I did work out...well...Sunday is only 30 minutes on the treadmill so no big deal, but it's done. I think I'll take my camera with me to the LaFever's tonight. I'm cognizant of the fact that I haven't posted any pics in awhile. I love you all!!


  1. Tonight was Hockey, yes we are back to single A hockey where they are not always sure where the puck is or where they are suppose to put it. Glad to hear that you are getting more snow, we actually went above 40 today. Got a note from the Davis's, 60 in Denver. Go figure. Thanks dfor doing your workout, the sunday version!

    Love you!

  2. Hey, we might get a whole 2 inches down here tonight! Time to go buy bread and milk and snow boots!
