Monday, January 12

Short and Sweet

Done with my work out for today:

I also plan to lift weights today but I'm going to wait and go down with Jon this evening for that. I do have to say, as I've said a million times before...I don't know why I have trouble sticking to an "exercise" program. I truly feel SO MUCH BETTER!!!! Hopefully, I can be a little more committed this time around! I don't want to go back to feeling yucky, that's for sure!
Nothing going on here today...laundry. I need to clean the kids bedrooms too, but I'm just not feeling like it right now. You have to be in the right frame of mind to enter there domain...nope, not feeling it. Love you all!


  1. WAY TO GO!!! I'm trying to get motivated to fold laundry. Was up until 3am...could not sleep. I've got laundry going too...must be a Monday thing. lol Have a great day!!

  2. Hon, I am very proud of you for going longer on the eliptical. You are the best and we are blessed to have you.

    I love you more,
