Raising children has its drawbacks...this morning, in an effort to "help", Liam attempted to start my coffee for me. He isn't familiar with the new coffee pot. What he actually did was turn it off. Consequently, instead of savoring every cup this morning, I'm microwaving every cup. One very valuable lesson I've learned from my kids: You have to appreciate the "intention" even when it's paving the road to hell!
While I drink my lukewarm coffee, I'm watching the kids in my muddy, weed infested "garden". I'd love to say it's weedy because it's been muddy. But, I have no such good excuse. You'll just have to appreciate my "intentions". In my mind, I have a gorgeous, completely weed free garden. In raised beds. Row upon row of weed free raised beds. Just like Aunt Becky's. In reality, I have a muddy, weedy mess. It's embarassing. I'm sure when the kids are older, and require less maintenance I will have the garden of my dreams.( And possibly a gardener to take care of it.) In the meantime, they can make up for ruining my morning coffee by harvesting tomatoes for me!
Liam is more of an overseer. he doesn't want to get stuck by the thistles lurking under every tomato. Truly, they hurt and everytime I attempt to purge them all from the garden 2 more spring up in place of every one I pulled. I'm at a loss on how to get rid of the cursed things. Maggie is more like me, less like Liam. She views the whole thing like a challenge. Picking tomatoes in my thistle bed is like playing a game of operation. It requires skill, a steady hand.
This is the first year I've grown Roma tomatoes. Maggie appears to be confounded by the shape.
The Roma's are part of my master plan. I'm a planner. Not always a doer though. Every year, I have the best of "intentions"...I will can tomatoes. Every year, I criminally let hundreds of tomatoes rot on the vine...then buy canned tomatoes all winter. But NO MORE!!! This year, I am doing it! I am doing it. I am doing it. I am...
trying to convince myself it will be ok.
I can do it.
Dad recommended that I freeze them. This is a good recommendation. I considered it. Then decided I'm FAR too intimidated by canning. I must get past this! I can do it!
I am anticipating a GREAT sense of accomplishment when it's done. So much build up over such a silly little thing. Anyhoo, as I started saying, the Romas are because I read in a seed catalog that they are the best for canning. At this point, I'm wondering how grape tomatoes do for canning...because I have a gazillion of the little boogers!
trying to convince myself it will be ok.
I can do it.
It's getting close now. I have a fair number of tomatoes. I'm guessing it will have to be this week. I can do it. I can do it. I can do it.
I love you all...don't worry...I'll keep you posted!
Hey pass thoses gazillion grape tomato on over to me!!!