Tuesday, August 18

Pray for Sam PLEASE!!

Genetics is often a cruel thing. I'm sure many of you remember Steve's problems with his knees when he was an adolescent, Osgood-Slaughters Disease. Basically, INTENSE growing pains in the growth plates due to very rapid growth. Well, we haven't been to the doctor yet, but we have consulted with Steve to match up the details and we're fairly certain Sam has it. Yesterday, after practice it was real bad. My baby was tearing up and complaining about the pain. For those of you that know Sam, he has in incredibly HIGH pain tolerance. Him complaining is saying something ~ that it seriously HURTS! We know that if we take him to the doctor she's going to say he should quit football...he doesn't want to. I'm torn, and I think last night so was he. It hurt bad enough last night that when I put him to bed with ibuprofen and tiger balm on his knees he was thinking about quitting. This morning, after a good nights sleep, he doesn't want to quit. So, I agreed to meet him at the school at 2:30 so he can take the ibuprofen before practice. We're hoping that if we prevent the swelling in the first place it won't get like last night again.
WHY , as parents, do we want them to be happy so much that we let them put themselves at risk?
WHY do they want so badly to do things that hurt???
Anyway, please pray for him. That the pain is less and that he is able to make a decision that he can live with.
I love you all.


  1. I'll be praying for Sam....poor guy. (((hugs))) And to answer your questions?!? The only answers I have is: because as parents, we are learning to let them go and as our children, they are trying to grow up: not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. Please keep us posted!

  2. I remember the pain being that bad somtimes. Have you bought him a knee brace, or sleeve yet? And are you icing them after practice? Did Dad tell you he had the same thing as a child??? I didnt know that, but he told me the other day.

  3. As parents of a tween you can only put the options in his hands and pray that he makes the right choice. He is a smart boy and you have raised him well, it is his turn to decide. I agree with Steve, ice packs after he has played will help immensely. Tell him we love him.
