My desire to work with yarn, that is. For a week or so Mag's and Liam have been clamoring to learn to crochet. To my credit, I did TRY to teach them. Crocheting is just a bit tricky for 6&7 yr old hands and fingers. So, we gave that up and pulled out the knitting circles Grandma Debby gave me a few years ago. Liam caught on so quickly I could not believe it. He's a natural! He is using the child size hat circle to make a hat for our cousin Jennifer's baby girl.
Busy hands...
He won't finish his today, but his attention span has completely blown me away. He literally has spent HOURS working on this project today. He just put it up about 30 minutes ago. He's been laying on the couch watching Harry Potter while he does it.
Meanwhile, On a planet far, far away...well, ok, in the backyard, Jon had Mike come over with a rather large ladder so he could hook our antenna back up. We can at least get channel 6 now...we're going to have to invest in a hd antenna eventually :(.
Back inside, Mags was also knitting, she took the infant hat size.
She sticks her tongue out when she's concentrating, just like her mother.
There was only one problem...
She discovered after it was done that it had a plethora of uses...
She'll have to make enough for them to go round.
Which should thrill Scrooge to NO END!!
For supper tonight Jon smoked some pork tenderloin and I made twice-baked potatoes and cucumber-tomato salad(fresh from the garden). It was SO YUMMY. Wish you all could have joined us!!
Sam is doing very well at football. His responses when I ask about practice have warmed considerably throughout the week. He was positively tepid early, then sort of he was kind of excited when he talked about it! I think he was nervous at first and is getting more comfortable. Conditioning truly wasn't that hard on him. He was tired at bedtime every night, but never complained of soreness at all ~ of course that could just be pride =)
He is proud of his position placement, so lets pray he can hold onto it (1st string wide receiver)!
Tomorrow, we have Maggie's team party at Hiawatha pool and next week is just football practices again. Only 9 days til SCHOOL!!!!
I love you all!
That picture of Scrooge is priceless! Glad they are enjoying the looms. Love you all too!