Sunday, August 2

Eewwww....Green Beans!

Yup. That is how I feel about it. I cannot stand them. Not frozen. Not canned. Not even fresh... I thought. My bratlings on the other hand like them. Except of course for Maggie! Mags only likes carbs. You know, the healthy stuff like mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese. But I digress...Liam requested fresh green beans at the store last week. Yes, I BOUGHT them. You'll have to excuse me for not growing the stupid things, because I don't like them, remember? For the first time in my life (due to the fact that the ONLY way I've willingly eaten green beans for the last 20 years was buried in Cream of Mushroom soup and durkees fried onions) I made green beans with red potatos and bacon. A whole pound of bacon. Maggie, true to form, flatly refused to eat it. Liam ate it up happily, as did Sam. Jon agreed it was good and because I always tell my kids they have to eat AT LEAST one scoop of whatever veggie I prepare, I served a bit up for myself. And do you know what? Oh My Gosh ~ it was GOOD!!! I mean really good, like rolling your eyes and slurping up all the liquid left in the bowl when the substance is gone good! NOW ~ this does NOT mean I like green beans now, I don't. They're gross. Unless of course you stew them all day with an entire pound of bacon. Then, I find I can gag them down. LOL!

Today, Liam had his team party. The "official" end to his baseball season. Not that he's noticed. He still plays outside in the yard everyday. That pitchback was a stroke of genius I tell you! Sam seems to still be stuck on baseball too. I keep telling him it's time to make the switch. He starts football tomorrow. But, this was the first year he really took baseball seriously, and he's having some trouble letting go. It's probably not "cool" but I plan on watching his practice tomorrow. If he's going to puke, I have to be there. I vow, before you all, that I will refrain from running over to clean his face off with a cold washcloth when he heaves. I cannot vow that I will not laugh at him. I know it. I'm sick. What kind of mother swings between laughing at his pain and wanting to make it better? Me, that's who.

Maggie has recieved all of her birthday gifts. She had a banner year! She got clothes and money from Grandma Debby and Papa James, just like Liam. Keeping her out of them has been more than I can deal with. I meant to keep them back for school, but she wore me down rather quickly and I excused myself with "they were a birthday gift, not school clothes." It's easy to justify giving in to your kids, too easy! With the money she received, she purchased a guitar and a Hannah Montana wig. I kid you not. We cannot seem to escape impromptu concerts these days. If it weren't hilarious it would seriously annoy me. Who am I kidding, it seriously annoys me...but she truly is entertaining if you pay attention. Then, there's the piece de resistance...Poppy and Grannie Annie sent Mag's Felicity. For those of you who have no idea of what I speak, Felicity is the 1774 American Girl Doll. She is beautiful and Mag's is totally smitten with her. She is already talking about all the stuff she wants for her. She has what has to be the single most battered American Girl catalog in existence. I would go take a picture of her sleeping with Felicity and Nikki(her present day AG doll), but it might wake her up and then I would be very unhappy. So, I will take pics of her in her new duds, with her wig on and her lovely Felicity tomorrow and post them.

Don't worry, I'll let you know if he hurls!! Love you all!!


  1. PLEASE PLEASE give me updates about Sam and football. And also, please pass along to him that we support him and are proud of him for going out there. Tell him not to be discouraged at how much the other kids KNOW and how much he has to catch up on. Just go out and ENJOY it. It seems tough, but it is a GAME afterall.

  2. Can't wait to hear about Sam's 1st practice!! And though I would expect nothing less than for you to be torn between laughing at him & wanting to clean him up, should he happen to hurl....I, on the other hand, am counting on pictures! lol That just seems like a Cheryl thing to do!! =) But seriously....he'll be fine!! I have no doubts!!

  3. I have all the ocnfidence in the world that he will be fine. He found his competitive bone and now he wants to use it. Tell him I love him, regardless of how he performs in his first practice.

    Love you all,
