Tuesday, August 4

Well ~ THAT Was Anti-Climactic!

I know you're all anxious to hear about Sam's first practice so let me tell you. There was NOTHING to it. All that build up, for nada! He forbade me to go and watch...I kind of complied. I only watched the last half hour. NOT A SINGLE KID PUKED!! I was a bit bummed. So much hype...for a couple suicides, the bear crawl, crabwalking and a confused mosh of stop, drop and roll and leapfrog. I have to say, it looked just like Liams conditioning last year. I'm told it will be harder tonight...boy I hope so. What they did last night would not "condition" Maggie! lol
Honestly, I think what they put on the parents is more harsh than what they put on the kids! Don't get me wrong, I understand WHY there are so many rules. We wouldn't want any "soccer deaths" in Highland Local Schools. But, literally, the parents code of conduct states that we should consider it a "privelige" to watch the outdoor practices. From the parking lot. We are not allowed on the playing field. We are not allowed to "complain" about playing time, or position of our children, plays, or anything else for that matter or we will be banned from all games! And Sam informed me verbally that the kids were told their parents are not allowed to sit in the parking lot on the hood of the car and drink Bud Light either. I can only assume Natural Light is allowed. lol It begs the question, what have my predessesor parents been LIKE?? I shudder to think! Anyhoo, Sam fell asleep faster than normal last night, but there's no soreness or disinclination to move. So, I will keep you posted...Surely, they will do more damage as the week goes on!
Maggie and Liam have VBS with Grandma Helen this week. Everynight from 6:30-8:30pm...yes, that means NO KIDS every evening for a couple hours. A nice little break!
Liam is apparently preparing to hit a growth spurt. He eats CONSTANTLY! Sam isn't much better. These boys will one day eat us out of house and home. Lucky for me the gardens around here are booming. My cukes all died, but Aunt Becky's didn't! She has given us tons. I thought very briefly about pickling them. The problem with that is the kids eat them sliced up raw too fast for me to have any for later. My tomato plants are ridiculously loaded. The problem is they are all green. When they come in, it's going to be all at once. Which I guess is good, because I do plan on canning them. Aunt Becky told me the other day she has a canner I can use! Yay! I think I'm going to try to make and can some pizza sauce too. It can't hurt to try. We love making homemade pizza, but cannot seem to find a sauce we want to stick with. So, we'll make it!
Not much elso going on right now. Jon still hasn't found a job. If you have a minute, shoot up a prayer for him. Looking for a job is way outside of his comfort zone, the quicker he finds a job, the quicker he can get comfortable again! :)
I love you all!!

1 comment:

  1. You need to relax, and let Sam be a tween, I know how hard it is, but you have to...........Love you!
