Friday, August 21

Milkshake Heaven

A big THANK YOU to Anne and Dad for the new blender! We are now getting fat on milkshakes. Everyday. Peanut butter, strawberry, vanilla and chocolate. Yes, we've had them all already! I personally am chomping at the bit to try the guacamole recipe that came with the blender! But I'm not getting much support on that from the troops. Guacamole doesn't have ice cream in it you see.Maggie doesn't smile dreamily like this over guacamole. But her mom might!
Sam is partial to the peanut butter shakes and I don't figure it hurts him. He needs the protein, and he could use a little of the fat too!! Sorry, but there's no picture of Liam, he drinks his and disappears faster than you can say brain freeze. Ok, truthfully, by the time I decided to get the camera out he'd already drank all of his, but that's kinda the same thing.

There's no love for the coffee pot from anyone but me, but I love it enough for all of us! It makes a darn fine cup of coffee! I am savoring it every morning! I am also feeling distinctly spoiled. I'm sure I said a blender OR a new coffee pot. Spoiled, that's me, and THANKFUL!! that's me too!
The kids had a good first week of school. I think they're glad it's the weekend though. Adjustments for bedtime have not been totally successful yet. So we have very tired kids. Thanks to football, Sam falls asleep pretty quick, but Maggie and Liam are laying back in their rooms arguing across the hall for at least an hour every night.
Sam's scrimmage was "rained" out last night. Many successive lightening strikes postponed the game repeatedly until the refs just gave up. I think they got tired of resetting their watches everytime the lightening flashed. Between that and his dr's appt Wednesday though he rested his knees a couple days and said this morning that they didn't hurt at all for the first time in weeks. He had a tough practice today, but has tomorrow and sunday off so hopefully, he'll be doing better.
Jon still hasn't found a job...keep praying people!!
I love you all!!

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