Monday, August 24

She's a HOOT , I tell ya!

Poor Maggie...She isn't trying to be funny. I'll tell you though, this girl just slays me. She is a barrel of laughs! One thing I LOVE about Mags is you ALWAYS know where you stand with her. Whether she thinks you currently walk on water, or maybe she thinks you're waist deep in poo...she'll make sure you KNOW where you're standin' in her estimation. Yesterday, I was waist deep in poo. The sad thing is neither Jon nor I can remember now WHY she was so upset with me...just that she was. And she wrote me this letter. And believe you me...her feelings weren't that hurt when she wrote the letter. Not campared to how they felt by the time I was done laughing at the letter. My poor children have no hope. They had better learn to laugh at themselves. Because I just can't help myself. Seriously, YOU would laugh too!! Then, today she brought home this homework. Cute isn't it?Until you get to the frog...

Yup, you heard that right. That is a FROG!!
In my defense, I did NOT laugh at this one in front of her. I waited til she went to bed and then I nearly peed my pants I laughed so hard!! She may end up being a writer...she's great at communicating. But she sure as heck won't be an artist. That's all I'm sayin' about that.
I love you all!!!


  1. Oh Cheryl...that's just cruel!! LMAO And she got a 100 and everything!!! :o)~ I actually read this last night, and nearly peed my pants just imagining you trying to stifle fits of laughter until she was tucked away in bed!!

  2. TOO FUNNY...and that is all I'm saying about that :))

  3. Maggie will never have to worry about drawing, she will have "her people" do it for her.
