Wednesday, August 19

Sams Knees and then some...

First things first. I took Sam to the Dr today and it was, if I may say so myself, pretty anti-climactic. He has Osgood-Schlatters Disease. Her recommendation was advil and ice. Nothing new. I'm always so happy when I pay a $20 co-pay so I can be told what I already knew. I would have been sorry though, had I not taken him and it turned out to be "knee cancer". (That was for you Dad). The biggest news that came out of our trip to see Dr Hughes in the big city was that Sam is not a baby anymore. Go figure, had you noticed? Apparently, I noticed, but somehow didn't quite compute that information. I have very begrudgingly been letting him have 2 advil twice a day. Honestly, every time I gave it to him I felt like I was corrupting a minor ~ overdosing him. Because I kid you not, up until this summer, I still was giving him the same liquid advil I give to Maggie and Liam. I know, I know!!! Turns out he is now 5'7" and 118lbs and she said I wasn't helping him at all with what I was giving him! He should be taking 3 advil, 3 times a day to control the swelling!! How did THAT happen???? So, now that I'm not just teasing him with the anti-inflammatories maybe we'll get those lumps under his knees to go away. Dr Hughes did NOT say he has to quit football. So, he's going to stick it out and see what he can do. His first scrimmage is tomorrow. I'm going to the game, I think I will cuff myself to Jon. Because if Sam catches that ball and some thug tackles my baby with the bad knees I'm liable to hurt somebody! lol

Today, when Maggie got home from school, she wanted to call Darcie (her best friend forever). She didn't have anything in particular she wanted to ask her...she just wanted to call and talk to her. Jon asked me if she wasn't a bit too young to be monopolizing the phone line. I honestly don't know? At what age do girls do that? It was a really long time ago for me. Anyhoo, he asks her "Maggie, you girls aren't talking about boys are you?" She wrinkled her nose up and said "WHY would we do THAT?" Phew! A brief kids are growing up FAST, but not that fast! lol

Love you all!!!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm glad you found out what you already knew and that it wasn't something more serious with Sam's knees!! But 3 advil, 3x a day...WoW!!! I don't think I've ever taken that much advil in one day!! lol But if it makes him feel better, that's all that matters!! As far as using the phone goes, I was about Maggie's age when I started using the phone, but Sarah just started wanting to call her friends and vice versa, just in the last 12-18 months...she was in the 3rd grade. Mostly, Sarah & her friend's talk about school, Hannah Montana, and clothes *rolling eyes* when they talk on the phone.
